The deadline for Home to School services to comply with PSVAR is the 31st July 2021 and fast approaching, so every person responsible for school transport needs to be prepared.

PSVAR, Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations 2000, applies to all schools providing Home to School transport using vehicles with a capacity over 22 passengers.

After the end of July, it will be a criminal offence under the Equality Act 2010 to use a non-compliant vehicle on the school run, and this criminal liability may apply not only to the operator, but also to the organisation who procures the transport, including anyone running a parent-led route.

It is possible that another extension will be granted by the Government, but this is by no means a certainty, so you need to review now whether your school transport fleet, or external supplier will be compliant in time. Kura is at the forefront of discussions with the DfT on PSVAR and has written a white paper outlining what options exist to ensure compliance by the upcoming deadline.

The white paper provides 3 pages of detail on what PSVAR is, why it is important, why school transport is in scope, the issues affecting compliance, legalities and loopholes, FAQs and the view of Kura and other schools on compliance options.

Don’t delay, be informed, download Kura’s PSVAR guide now.