Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Its takes various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. As one of the UK’s leading transport management companies, we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our business dealings and relationships. This means:
- implementing and enforcing systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in our business or in our supply
- protecting and preserving the rights of our employees, those employed in our supply chain and those affected by our operations.
- acting in a socially responsible manner, complying with all applicable laws and respecting the communities where we
Suppliers must take all reasonable steps to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within their supply chain or within any part of their business. This Modern Slavery Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets out the minimum standards that we expect our suppliers to meet or exceed. They should adhere to this Code along with all applicable international and national laws and standards in relation to labour practices, modern slavery and human trafficking.
It is a condition of all supply contracts entered into with Transport2 (UK) Limited (“Kura”) or its subsidiaries Kura Supplies Ltd (“KURA”), that the principles set out in this Code are adhered to. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that any subcontractors, agents or other third parties that they engage in their work for KURA, where permitted by their agreement with the organisation, will act consistently with this Code. Failure to meet these standards may be cause for termination of any agreement entered into with KURA.
“Transport Partner” refers to any business, company, corporation, person or other entity that sells, or seeks to sell, any kind of goods or services to KURA including the Transport Partner’s employees, agents and other representatives.
The standards outlined in this Code will be periodically updated to reflect changes in laws, regulations and standards.
Forced or involuntary labour and human trafficking
We believe that all employment should be freely chosen and commit to refrain from any form of forced or involuntary labour. As a result, our transport partners must ensure that:
- all work is completed voluntarily and without slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Workers must be free to choose their employment and to leave it at any time after the giving of reasonable notice and must not be mentally or physically coerced to provide their
- they do not participate, engage or promote forced, bonded, indentured or involuntary prison labour of people in any part of their
- they do not participate, engage or promote the trafficking of any
- they comply with all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws including, but not limited to, the Modern Slavery Act 2015, in all countries of operation.
- they have taken steps to ensure their business operations are free from modern slavery and human trafficking practices, both internally and within their supply chains and other external business relationships.
- they do not contract with subcontractors or suppliers using or engaging in modern slavery or trafficking.
Child labour
KURA is opposed to the use of any form of child labour or practices that inhibit the development of children. Transport Partners must ensure that:
- they do not use child labour (those under the age of 16 years).
- young persons under the age of 18 years are not employed to work at night or for any hazardous work. Even lawful employment of children and adolescents must not be detrimental to their education, health or physical, mental, moral or social
- they comply with applicable child labour laws in their countries of
- they do not contract with subcontractors or suppliers who use or engage in child labour.
- they have taken steps to ensure their business operations are free from modern slavery and human trafficking practices whether in the UK or elsewhere, both internally and within their supply chains and other external business
We will seek appropriate assurance from Transport Partners that they will abide by the terms of this Code and will self-monitor their compliance with it. Transport Partners must be able to certify that materials included in their products comply with all requisite modern slavery and human trafficking laws. KURA may at any time request a Transport Partner to supply a report setting out the steps they have taken to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within their business or within their supply chain. In addition, Transport Partners should provide us with responses to our reasonable requests for information about compliance with the Code.
Transport Partners have a duty to immediately report to KURA any breach of or deviation from this Code. If a Transport Partners’ practices are found unsatisfactory or non-conformant to this Code, we will address these issues on a case-by-case basis and reserve the right to request from the Transport Partners a corrective action plan. This plan is to set out the steps that the Transport Partners will undertake to rectify the breach. Should the corrective action plan not rectify the breach and depending on the severity of the breach, KURA reserves the right to terminate any contractual relationship that exists.